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(rdnewsNOW/Josh Hall)
Judicial Review presents, "critical risk"

Red Deer Catholic will not hold by-election to replace ousted trustee

Jan 26, 2024 | 5:11 PM

The board of Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools has voted unanimously to not hold a by-election which would replace former trustee Monique LaGrange.

The board voted at its meeting Friday, Jan. 26 to move on as a team of six, as permitted under Section 81 of the Education Act.

The main reasons stated were the financial cost, and the risk of LaGrange winning her Judicial Review in the Court of King’s Bench. That case began Jan. 10 and has been adjourned until May 1-3.

You can read our extensive ongoing coverage of this story below (articles are chronological):

LaGrange’s legal counsel has indicated that if she does win, it’d likely mean her reinstatement as trustee.

Trustee Anne Marie Watson asked what would occur if they held a by-election, and then LaGrange wins.

The answer was unclear, though Board Chair Murray Hollman stated that it’d put the board in an “awkward pickle if we lose.”

Trustee Kim Pasula called that possibility, “the critical risk,” and Watson added that while it may be unlikely, it’s still possible.

Trustee Dorraine Lonsdale called not holding a by-election, “the safest route.”

Speaking to rdnewsNOW after the meeting, Chair Hollman talked about the board’s confidence that it will be successful in the Judicial Review process.

“Like any court case, we know it could go either way, but I think we’re feeling confident,” said Hollman. “We followed all the rules and sought advice on that, so we’re feeling pretty confident, but you never know.”

The board heard that the last election the division held in 2021 cost $143,000.

Hollman says the cost of holding a by-election now could’ve pushed $100,000.

The idea of piggybacking off the City’s upcoming by-election in April was also discussed briefly, but ultimately it won’t be necessary.

The next municipal election is scheduled for fall 2025.

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