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Stettler and County strike new joint fire services agreement after prior intent to separate

Dec 19, 2023 | 4:22 PM

The Town and County of Stettler have come to a new modernized agreement for joint fire services.

The announcement comes after the services looked like they could be separated for the first time in 10 years. It was this past April officials gave intent to separate, but also agreed that they would operate jointly until a new agreement or alternate plan could be reached, in order to avoid service gaps. A Town spokesperson confirms there were no service gaps while parties worked out a new intermunicipal plan.

BACKGROUND: Joint Stettler fire services to separate after more than 10 years

The new agreement will be reviewed by both parties every four years, and cannot be terminated by either party without three years notice.

According to a release, the agreement introduces a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities shared between the municipalities and the fire department staff, ensuring an efficient and effective response to the evolving needs of our region.

A key aspect of the modernization is the decentralization of many responsibilities formerly managed by a single partner, and the addition of a new role — the Manager of Regional Fire Services.

The position will be jointly hired, and it’s each municipality’s hope that the new structure accounts for the increasing demands on firefighting staff and volunteers, as well as restores work-life balance to fire department members.

“We are confident this new agreement will enhance our abilities while continuing to provide top-tier fire protection services, and as always, ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents in the Town and County of Stettler,” said Larry Clarke, Reeve for the County of Stettler No. 6.

Stettler Mayor Sean Nolls adds, “This new agreement adds additional resources to an already successful fire department and its phenomenal fire fighters. Demands on fire services and how we apply them have changed drastically since our last fire agreement.”

County of Stettler Director of Municipal Services, Andrew Brysiuk, confirms the new regional position has been filled, but an announcement on who’s to fill that role is yet to be made. That person’s start date is Jan. 2, so it will be made soon.

All current staff, he adds, are staying on.