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Death doula to speak at Red Deer Public Library

Dec 9, 2023 | 1:08 PM

A unique Red Deer Public Library book club entitled The Last Chapter will welcome local death doula Phyllis Paterson at the club’s upcoming meeting Tuesday, December 12.

The club, which meets monthly at RDPL’s Timberlands Branch, invites people to come and discuss dying through end-of-life books, media and resources. This is the club’s first year and Library Assistant and program facilitator Shannon Lirondelle, says the club has been well attended.

Traditionally, death is a scary topic that people avoid talking about, she explained. “More and more folks are realizing how important it is for the dying and their families to be more open about the end-of-life process. It’s a natural thing and happens to all of us so why not talk about it,” Lirondelle explains. “Phyllis and other end of life doulas help families and individuals navigate the final life transition. They help patients get their affairs in order, decide how they want to die, and explore ideas to ease discomfort and fear,” she adds.

During the program, participants will also talk about the club’s book pick for the month, What Does it Feel Like to Die? by Jennie Dear. The book is available to borrow from the library, but reading it is not required to attend the program.