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a chance to ask your burning questions

Energy Innovation Fair goes Oct. 21 at Red Deer Polytechnic

Oct 18, 2023 | 12:14 PM

This weekend, Red Deer Polytechnic is playing host to the Energy Innovation Fair, put on by local company Sol Invictus Energy Services, as well as ReThink Red Deer.

The full-day event is dedicated to showcasing the latest advancements in clean technology, energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy, and innovative oil and gas technology unique to Alberta.

Free for the public to attend, it runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at RDP’s Cenovus Learning Commons.

Chelsah Thomas, founder of Lacombe County-based Sol Invictus, notes all the speakers are from Alberta companies, in a showcase of how Alberta can and should be a leader on this front.

“With the panels we’re hosting, this is an opportunity for attendees to engage with the experts and ask those burning questions they have about energy diversification, and there will be workshops throughout the day which will provide more of a consumer-level opportunity to learn about things individuals can take action on in their own lives,” says Thomas.

“That includes lifestyle changes such as home energy retrofits, looking at electric vehicles, and demystifying the myths around heat pump systems in Alberta. There’ll be labs put on by RDP and SAIT too, which could be good for students who want to get a look at career paths that are out of the ordinary or just not readily apparent.”

Electric vehicle demonstrations will also be happening outside.

“There will be companies and folks who can speak realistically to the opportunities and challenges of implementing these technologies, but the thing is that a lot of the myths surrounding this tech is just old information,” says Thomas.

“This weekend, we’re bringing together sources of information who are on the edge of the advancements happening in their own organizations, and they will talk about what makes these technologies economically and logistically feasible in Alberta.”

Thomas says that while it’s not the main message of the fair, it’s important to not overlook the recent pause on renewable projects in Alberta, turning renewables and innovation into a conversation that’s more important than ever.


“With the pause, its not just a handful of people who are affected. There’s been a lot of jobs and money lost through decisions which have real-world implications for central Albertans,” she says.

“For example, we are the sunniest province in Canada, meaning we have so much solar opportunity; and I live in a net-zero house, so I can attest to this being feasible. With the changes that happen in industries, out of necessity, it allows companies to innovate within their organizations and find solutions to problems they may have. Part of that is renewable and alternative energy, clean technology and everything under that umbrella.”

More information, including a full listing of speakers and panelists, can be found online.