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Protestors, in the background, pass by counter-protestors, on the left, as police control the scene in downtown Red Deer the morning of Sept. 20, 2023. (rdnewsNOW/Josh Hall)
counter-protesters outnumbered, but loud

‘1 Million March 4 Children’ protest meets counter-protesters in downtown Red Deer

Sep 20, 2023 | 5:30 PM

The peace was kept on Wednesday as ‘parental consent’ protesters took to City Hall Park in downtown Red Deer, with counter-protesters across the street.

Dubbed by many as anti-2SLGBTQ+, this was one of many dozens of identical protests taking place across North America on Sept. 20.

The protest appears to have been organized nationally by multiple organizations, specifically Hands Off Our Kids and 1 Million March 4 Children, which have separate websites. It isn’t clear which is the lead, or what other groups may be behind it, though 1 Million does list supporting groups on its website.

rdnewsNOW didn’t hear back from either organization, but did identify and speak with local organizer, Tim Hoven, a candidate who ran unsuccessfully in the 2023 Alberta provincial election, and who says he’s not affiliated with either group.

A crowd of protesters, which eventually numbered between 200 and 300, gathered outside Red Deer City Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023. (rdnewsNOW/Josh Hall)

Chief among the protesters’ concerns is the inclusion of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in grade school-level curriculum. On the 1 Million website, the group claims their message is not anti-2SLGBTQ+.

“The main message these parents have, these families have is that people need to be involved in the lives of their children,” said Hoven. “There should be no policy from the provincial government or local school boards that exclude parents from issues, [and the] life decisions these children are making. Parents love their children more than anyone else and they need to be involved in the lives of their children.”

Red Deer-South MLA Jason Stephan and Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools Trustee Monique LaGrange, who’s recently found herself the centre of controversy, were keynote speakers at the main protest.


Stephan said the most important capacity in which he was attending and speaking was as a husband and father.

“We are here today because we do not like school boards or governments inserting themselves between our children, and keeping secrets from us. With children returning to school, Albertans want to be informed as to what schools are teaching,” Stephan said.

Stephan noted recent changes to 2SLGBTQ+ policy in New Brunswick which states it’s no longer mandatory for teachers to use preferred pronouns or names of transgender or non-binary students under 16.

Stephan noted, to a chorus of boos, that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has characterized the NB policy as ‘cruelty.’

PM Trudeau commented on X about today’s protests:

Saskatchewan also recently enacted policy which requires students under 16 to get a parent’s consent to change names or pronouns at school.

“All are children of God, and are of infinite worth,” Stephan continued. “All can be valued and respected in seeking fairness for all. I love true principles, and a foundational principle of the United Conservative Party says that we, ‘Affirm the family as the building block of society and the means by which citizens pass on their values and beliefs and ensure that families are protected from intrusion by government.’ Most Albertans agree and so do I.”

Trustee LaGrange, removed earlier this month as director with the Alberta Catholic Schools Trustees’ Association, spoke publicly for the first time Wednesday, having returned no media requests about her Facebook post, save for an interview with The Western Standard.


One person in the crowd shouted, “You’re a hero,” just as LaGrange began speaking, where she referenced the recent controversy.

“This just makes my heart sing seeing all of you here. Thank you for standing for your children, for everybody’s children. You are making a difference. This fight is about family, this fight is about our children, and we need to stand up. You are their educators, you are the dominant educator, so you need to stand in that role and teach our children, keep them from agendas that are out there, right?” LaGrange remarked.

“Parents’ rights, that’s where this starts. Know what your children are learning, know what’s going on in the schools, know what’s going on in the division. We need to take back that authority and keep standing. This is today, we need to keep standing for tomorrow. Politicians see numbers, so numbers will make a difference here. I so appreciate your support, all the letters and the emails; it’s been overwhelming. I couldn’t do this without you.”

On the 1 Million website, under FAQs, it’s stated that the organization does not deny the existence of transgender people, and adds that they welcome members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community to be part their protests.

There were around 200-300 protesters on Wednesday, while the counter-protest, which had less time to prepare, welcomed around 50.

“I think some people don’t understand that we want safety for our kids too. For some reason, our intent has been misconstrued so terribly, but we are here to tell you that we don’t want to force anything on anyone, especially not kids,” says Kaylee Gaultier, a counter-protester who believes protests like today’s are meant to divide.

“Any anti-queer movement threatens access to health care, support systems, affirming spaces at school, and negatively impact children’s mental health. Eliminating queer language and education only isolates them more.”

The counter-protest organizer, who asked we keep their name anonymous, says SOGI isn’t about sexualizing children, it’s about creating safe spaces.

Two counter-protesters in downtown Red Deer on Sept. 20, 2023. Their signs read ‘Let kids be kids, until they are trans?’, ‘Your child, their choice’, and ‘Respect existence or expect resistance.’ (rdnewsNOW/Josh Hall)

“I think the other side should actually look at the curriculum and what is taught; I don’t think they have,” they said, then asked to elaborate on what is being taught. “What’s being taught is that diversity exists and that there is more than heterosexuality. I’d like to see those folks create a safe environment so that their kids could tell them these things themselves. Obviously, their kids don’t feel safe going home and telling them. The kid should have the right to share with whom they feel safe.”

Alberta Teachers’ Association President Jason Schilling touched on the curriculum and how it involves SOGI in a statement today.

“Efforts in schools to support SOGI education are not what the protesters are portraying it is. SOGI education is intended to ensure that sexual and diverse students and families feel safe in schools by ensuring that all students gain a better understanding of how different students identify,” said Schilling. “In the face of the homophobia and transphobia behind today’s events, a beautiful, powerful outpouring of support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, teachers and their allies emerged. It was heartwarming and uplifting to see.”

Evident in the speeches from the protest side Wednesday was allusion to religion, particularly Christianity. One large banner referenced Psalms 139: 13-18.

(rdnewsNOW/Josh Hall)

The Bible says love one another, and that we are a diverse creation. It says to keep one another safe,” Leila Currie, Minister at Gaetz United Memorial Church, told rdnewsNOW. “There’s nothing in The Bible that says we’re only this way or that. We can’t read The Bible so literally because it’s a text written many, many years ago in a culture that was very different. To interpret it only one way would be ludicrous.”

Pam Rocker is director of Affirming Connections, an Alberta organization aiding faith groups in strengthening their communities as affirming and inclusive.

“This form of practicing Christianity is completely unrecognizable to me. I don’t recognize any of the love, justice or reaching out to the margins at all in this stuff the protesters are doing,” she said to rdnewsNOW over the phone. “It’s important for us to say there’s a different narrative. At the end of the day, love bats last, and that’s what will ultimately prevail.”

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith took to X Wednesday:

As did Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley:

A statement from Central Alberta Pride Society reads as follows:

“Central Alberta Pride chose not to participate in today’s 1 Million March 4 Children counter-protest. This protest was created out of false information and assumptions by individuals who chose to divide us as humans, rather than create inclusion and diversity. We at Central Alberta Pride will continue to help educate, support and bring awareness to 2SLGBTQ+ community. Today’s events show proof that what we do is far from over.”

Prior to the protest’s 9 a.m. start, Red Deer RCMP stated they were aware of today’s events and would be present. “We are hopeful all will be peaceful,” they said.

Indeed it was; save for some swear words, middle fingers and a traffic disruption from the protesters’ march, there was no physical violence. RCMP confirmed this afternoon there were zero tickets or arrests made.

Duelling chants also rang out throughout the morning, most prominently, “Hands off our kids” vs. “Hate and fear have no place here.” “Hands off our kids” was also met with “Hands off your kids.”

Red Deer Mayor Ken Johnston starts by telling rdnewsNOW on Wednesday afternoon that he’s glad the events of the day went off relatively peacefully.

“Red Deer is a diverse community. It welcomes diversity and it stands for it. These messages are divisive and personal to many people, which is extremely regrettable,” he remarked.

“With any discrimination, any inequities directed at the 2SLGBTQ+ community, I feel their grief. It has been a process of being able to have Charter rights and freedoms of equality and gender expression. These are enshrined rights in our society, so I empathize with those folks.”

Red Deer Public Schools, which has a SOGI policy, nor Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools and Alberta Education responded to our requests for comment by deadline. We will publish their comments here or elsewhere on our site should they respond.

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