‘1 Million March 4 Children’ protest meets counter-protesters in downtown Red Deer
The peace was kept on Wednesday as ‘parental consent’ protesters took to City Hall Park in downtown Red Deer, with counter-protesters across the street.
Dubbed by many as anti-2SLGBTQ+, this was one of many dozens of identical protests taking place across North America on Sept. 20.
The protest appears to have been organized nationally by multiple organizations, specifically Hands Off Our Kids and 1 Million March 4 Children, which have separate websites. It isn’t clear which is the lead, or what other groups may be behind it, though 1 Million does list supporting groups on its website.
rdnewsNOW didn’t hear back from either organization, but did identify and speak with local organizer, Tim Hoven, a candidate who ran unsuccessfully in the 2023 Alberta provincial election, and who says he’s not affiliated with either group.