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Red Deer City Hall (rdnewsNOW file photo)
Two stages

Red Deer puts call out for artists towards City Hall public art project

Aug 1, 2023 | 11:09 AM

The City of Red Deer is putting out a call for artists towards their City Hall public art project.

Canadian artists, including artist teams, are being invited to submit portfolios and expressions of interest in the first stage of a two-stage competition for public artwork to be installed in the building.

“Along with being a portal for interacting with municipal leaders, City Hall is intended to serve as a symbol of community pride where our diverse population can see themselves represented and be reminded of the special place that we live,” said the City in a release.

They state the newly renovated space will include a tile feature wall that can accommodate a large scale two-dimensional or low relief three-dimensional artwork.

City officials say the goal of incorporating public art to the space is to increase vibrancy while reflecting the spirit of our community. They add that the final artwork should be visually striking, welcoming, contemporary, and have a consideration of place.

Up to three shortlisted artists are expected to be selected by October 1, 2023. Shortlisted artists will receive a stipend of $1,500 to provide a detailed proposal and 15-minute virtual presentation to the Public Art Commission on November 8, 2023.

The budget for this project is $39,000 and the expected installation date of the completed artwork is spring 2024.

The City states applications from artists who self-identify as a member of one or more First Nations, Métis or Inuit communities will be prioritized.

“These specific pieces should be created in a manner that is culturally appropriate to the peoples of this region. Indigenous artwork concepts should consider the significant cultural heritage and legacy of this area, the rich histories, stories and customs that tell of this place, and indigenous perspectives,” city officials said in a statement.

Submission requirements:

  1. Professional experience, CV, biography
  2. Portfolio of past projects relevant to this project
  3. Letter of interest outlining possible approach to this project
  4. Artist statement and philosophy towards public art

Stage one submission deadline is on August 31, 2023, at 4 p.m. MT.

Submissions that do not meet the mandatory requirements will be disqualified and will not be evaluated. The City says they will endeavour to complete the evaluation of all compliant responses received within 30 days of the closing deadline.

Applications are accepted online only, through the online eprocurement tool, bids&tendersTM. For more information and to apply, visit https://reddeer.bidsandtenders.ca.

Each respondent must have a Bidding System Vendor Account and must register as a Plan Taker opportunity. There are no fees or charges for accessing or downloading City of Red Deer Opportunities on bids&tendersTM.

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