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(Photo 2691100 © Brad Sauter | Dreamstime.com)
Eyes on the road!

Red Deer photo radar locations this August

Jul 28, 2023 | 1:33 PM

Red Deer RCMP and the City of Red Deer have released their photo radar locations planned for August.

Officials say Automated Traffic Enforcement will be operating in areas where there has been an identifiable, documented history of collisions, property damage, injuries, fatalities, a high volume of pedestrians, and speeding.

Please note that the RCMP reserve the right to change the site locations without notice.

The City of Red Deer’s Automated Traffic Enforcement Program includes photo laser, red light cameras and intersection speed cameras.

Mobile units will be operating in the neighbourhoods of Oriole Park, Johnstone, Kentwood, West Park, Grandview, Mountview, Sunnybrook, South Hill, Deer Park, Rosedale, Eastview, Clearview, Timberlands, Burnt Park Industrial, Edgar Industrial.

Mobile units will be operating along the traffic corridors of Gaetz Avenue, Taylor Drive, 19 Street, 30 Avenue, 40 Avenue, Ross Street, Riverside Drive, 67 Street, Highway 2A, Highway 11A.

Intersection Safety Device Cameras will be located on Gaetz Avenue & 32 Street, Gaetz Avenue & 76 Street, Gaetz Avenue & 59 Street, 49 Avenue & 49 Street, Gaetz Avenue & 67 Street, 30 Avenue & 32 Street, 32 Street & 30 Avenue, 30 Avenue & Ross Street, Ross Street & 30 Avenue, and Taylor Drive & 32 Street.

“These tools, along with conventional traffic enforcement and education campaigns, help make Red Deer’s roads safer. By reducing speed, both the number and severity of collisions is reduced,” said the Municipal Policing Service in a release.