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New front look to Canadian Tire in Red Deer's north-end on Thursday. (rdnewsNOW/Alessia Proietti)
New look

Canadian Tire in Red Deer’s north-end reopens; staff help to rebuild

Jul 20, 2023 | 2:23 PM

Red Deer’s Canadian Tire in the north-end is back with a face-lift following a roughly four month closure due to fire.

Thursday was their official reopening of the store.

On the evening of April 5, 2023, Red Deer Emergency Services (RDES) responded to a fire at the store (6380 50 Ave) in the seasonal section. It took 19 firefighters over four hours to fight the blaze that filled the entire building with smoke.

Deeming the fire as suspicious, Red Deer RCMP arrested local 43-year-old Scott Sumyk in May, following release of video surveillance photos of the suspect, and charged him with arson and theft under $5,000.


RDES investigating evening fire at north-end Canadian Tire

Red Deer RCMP arrest and charge man for arson in Canadian Tire north-end fire

Nicki Janocha, Logistics Manager for the store, said it feels good to be back to work.

“We love our customers so we’re happy to have everyone back and everyone is smiling and happy to be back. It’s been a long process but it’s so worth it,” she said.

Janocha, having worked at the store for six years, said she remembers feeling shock, devastation and anger hearing the news of the fire.

Nicki Janocha, Logistics Manager for the Canadian Tire north store. (rdnewsNOW/Alessia Proietti)

“You hear about other businesses and stuff like that but you can’t even imagine what you go through; the process of it all,” she said.

She says during the store’s closing, each employee was part of the deconstruction, salvaging and rebuilding of the store.

“We get to build brand new; a new legacy. It’s been exciting to do everything from scratch,” she said, adding she feels pride in her team.

Janocha said she greatly missed everyone and thanked customers for their patience.

Customers have also shown their support, expressing content with the store’s return.

“It’s a lot brighter in there; they’ve got the rows open wider now so when you’re in a wheelchair, at least two people can cross,” said customer Glen Amundson.

“The inconvenience of going to the other side of town was there and it’s unfortunate it happened but the store is looking fantastic,” said north-end resident Brad Vonkeman.

Sumyk’s matter returns to Red Deer Court of Justice Aug. 9, 2023.

Renovated interior of the Canadian Tire north end store. (rdnewsNOW/Alessia Proietti)