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Red Deer Mayor Ken Johnston speaks about priorities for downtown. (rdnewsNOW/Sheldon Spackman)
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City reiterates that downtown vibrancy is a top priority

Jun 17, 2023 | 11:04 AM

The City of Red Deer says improving the downtown so that it can be unique and vibrant continues to be a top priority.

Red Deerians have voiced their concerns over safety and other issues in the area, the municipality acknowledges, and there is ongoing work to respond to those, officials said at a downtown news conference this week.

“I’m proud of the work the police, our community, the businesses, and administration are all doing to achieve the vision of a resilient, prosperous and vibrant downtown,” said Mayor Ken Johnston. “Creating the downtown we desire cannot be achieved by one entity alone, but rather by working together. City council truly believes that together, we can restore confidence and make our downtown a welcoming place for all.”

Red Deer RCMP Officer in Charge, Holly Glassford, also spoke, providing an update on the direct actions being taken in the downtown.

“We understand the community must feel safe in order to enjoy public spaces, visit businesses, and take part in the downtown experience,” said Supt. Glassford. “Since the launch of our Downtown Patrol Unit five years ago, our RCMP members and Community Peace Officers have been making their presence known, developing relationships, interacting with the community, and enforcing laws and bylaws.”

Last year, more than 60 per cent of the Downtown Patrol Unit’s files were self-generated, meaning that officers are identifying and resolving issues before a citizen is negatively impacted by unwelcome behaviours and criminal activity, the City says.

Glassford spoke too about the Summer Visibility Program, sharing that both General Duty and Specialized Units will be patrolling the trail network to proactively identify issues and increase police presence.

“There is more to come. A next piece of work we will be sharing soon is a brand for our downtown, which was one of the outcomes identified in the Downtown Activation Playbook. Brands are more than just visuals and pictures – it’s about creating an experience and having our community build and live that brand in our downtown,” said City Manager Tara Lodewyk. “I look forward to sharing with you how every single person can be part of downtown’s brand.”

The City says its Downtown Activation Playbook, which was developed through consultation in 2021 and 2022, guides administration’s work.

To read about the Downtown Activation Playbook, visit reddeer.ca.