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Vulcan’s Spock Days: A stellar celebration embraces Star Trek culture in Alberta

Jun 13, 2023 | 10:35 AM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – For thirty years, the community of Vulcan, located 224 kilometres west of Medicine Hat, has celebrated their connection to the television show Star Trek. Spock Days included a parade, a slo-pitch tournament, and local food vendors. The event drew in Star Trek fans from across the country.

One Star Trek fan said, “I enjoyed the series, I mean, I was like nine years old when I first saw Star Trek with William Shatner, and I think that was the best of the series.”

Another Trekkie said, “Sunday mornings, even at 7am, religiously we got up to watch Star Trek. I mean it was the highlight of the day.”

For those who weren’t Star Trek fans, there were other activities to grab their interest.

“I liked how they were throwing candy out,” said a young girl from Calgary.

But Spock Days wasn’t just catered towards tourists. For many locals, this event shows how the community rallies together to show love for their town.

“Getting volunteers that are willing to organize and put together something like this. It’s quite an event to put together but they seem to pull it off and we’re very thankful they do,” said local Joan Winwood.

Stephanie Palin is relatively new to Vulcan. She first fell in love with it because of its iconic decor.

“From the moment we came into town we just loved, you know the lights look like the enterprise, and on the sidewalks they have the insignia’s and it’s just really fun,” said Palin.

Later, Palin discovered that the close knit community is what truly made her feel at home.

“Oh I love it, it’s the best town we’ve ever lived in for sure. We have the best neighbors, they’re amazing, they helped us build a fence when my husband had an injury. They’re amazing,” Palin explained.

Besides her love for Star Trek, Palin attended Spock Days to promote her baking business. Palin bakes bread and other goods out of her house. She says tourist events like Spock Days are invaluable to the growth of her business.

“It just gets the word out about a very small, newly started company that is just looking for some support. I mean Vulcan’s been amazing right from the get-go, but just having the opportunity to really get my name out there and show people what I can do, it’s been really really valuable,” Palin said.

From the parade, the local food and the kids activities, Spock Days it’s just one of the many ways this town is embracing Star Trek culture.

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