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Nathan Leslie: Solidarity Movement of Alberta

May 19, 2023 | 9:53 AM

Hello readers,

Each candidate from the four constituencies we are covering this election season have been issued the same questionnaire. This candidate’s biography and their answers can be found below. Our questionnaire had a limit of 500 words, and the bio 150. A / at the end indicates they went over.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by each candidate are their own, and are not endorsed by rdnewsNOW.

For more Alberta Election 2023 coverage, visit our dedicated Alberta Votes page.


Hi, my name is Nathan Leslie. I’m a man of faith and a believer in Jesus Christ. I’m a father of three amazing children. I‘ve always been business minded and most recently owned my own BMX business in which I specialized in BMX race parts. I have valued serving the community of BMX racers in Alberta and making a positive difference in the lives of my customers. Unfortunately, during this last three years like many businesses in Central Alberta I had to close my business due to government mandates. It ended up being a great opportunity for me to spend time learning the Bible and strengthen my relationship in Jesus Christ. In this journey I had the opportunity to meet a man who was persecuted for his beliefs and continues to be persecuted. When the opportunity arose for me to be able to stand with Pastor Artur Pawłowski as part /


1. What made you decide to run in this provincial election?

1) I’ve always sat back and generally watched as the political world has gone round and round but in the last 3 years I realized that too many people are doing the same! Politics has become full of politicians with not enough accountability! When Pastor Artur said he was starting a Movement in Alberta I knew I had to be a part of it! Solidarity Movement of Alberta will be the change Alberta needs and I want to make sure I’m on the right side of history!!

2. Why should constituents vote for you? What skill sets and experience do you have that make you a good fit for the role of MLA?

2) Although I’m not a resident in Lacombe/Ponoka riding, I have many ties to this area and I truly Love Central Alberta! I have family in farming, trucking, cattle, bison and just more than average Albertans who live in rural Alberta and I want to stand for them. I believe this is one of the largest important issues for the residents of this constituency! As well as being empathetic I’m also a servant and I wanna hear and be helpful to every person that has an issue or concern here in this amazing area of Alberta!

3. From your perspective, what are the most important issues in this election, both provincially and in your riding specifically?

3) obviously as above, a) Farming and rural living, farm bylaws. b) we have an AHS issue and it’s need to be fixed, bringing healthcare back to smaller regions and ensure our senior care allows for that populous can stay home and stay healthy as long as possible and further into late life care rather than hustling to acute care. c) Finally we have a judicial issue in Alberta and Canada but we can only change what happens here for now, so change needs to come and we need to start with electing out judges.

4. What is your main message to voters, especially those who may be undecided?

4) A VOTE FOR THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS IS STILL A VOTE FOR EVIL, Vote for This Candidate who wants to listen to electoral district 68 Lacombe/Ponoka constituents and keep accountability on the forefront of the Alberta Government!