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Edmonton-City Centre NDP candidate David Shepherd speaks alongside a local doctor, and Red Deer's two candidates, Jaelene Tweedle (right) and Michelle Baer, across from Red Deer Regional Hospital on May 18, 2023. (rdnewsNOW/Josh Hall)
explaining the 'how' of an ambitious plan

Alberta NDP explain how they’ll accelerate expansion of Red Deer Regional Hospital

May 18, 2023 | 3:10 PM

On Thursday, the Alberta NDP offered an explanation on how they will accelerate construction of the Red Deer Regional Hospital expansion project.

Leader Rachel Notley made a commitment in recent weeks that shovels would be in the ground by 2024.

Edmonton-City Centre candidate David Shepherd, who most recently served as Health Critic, spoke alongside Red Deer-North and -South candidates Jaelene Tweedle and Michelle Baer, as well as a local doctor on Thursday, just across from the hospital’s emergency room.

Shepherd emphasized that this expansion project will be one of the top priorities of an NDP government, should the party win the May 29 election.

He then said the NDP will spend an additional $650 million over the the first three years than what the UCP have committed. That would bring the full investment over three years to $971 million, with the total project budget earmarked at $1.8 billion.

“The hospital expansion needs to happen now and we have a plan to do it,” said Shepherd. “We will be transparent and provide regular updates to the community. Unlike the UCP, we won’t hide from Albertans who’ve been waiting so long for better health care.”

If elected, the Alberta NDP will take the following actions to accelerate construction, they vowed:

· Create a Senior Director of Project Management to be a central decision maker who will drive the project forward.

· Fund extended construction hours, where it is safe and makes sense to do so for both workers and patients.

· Create a dedicated cross departmental team to accelerate permitting, including working with the municipality.

· Explore an Integrated Design and Construction approach to expedite construction.

· Develop and consult on a transition plan to ensure emergent needs are addressed while construction is in progress.

This comes a couple months after the Society for Hospital Expansion in Central Alberta (SHECA) made their biggest call yet for a transition plan, as well as a dedicated point-person, and regular community updates.

READ MORE: Health care rally held to reiterate demand for transition plan and task force

“Families in Red Deer have been waiting for the UCP to make good on their promises, but for four years we’ve been waiting,” said Dr. Maureen McCall, a family physician of over 35 years, also speaking at the NDP’s presser on Thursday. “Today, I’m feeling optimistic and excited for my patients, my colleagues and my community – because I have hope that better health care is on the way.”

The latest reports peg construction completion at around 2030-2032.

Shepherd was asked if the NDP could offer a target year for completion, given that they say construction would be accelerated, but he said it’s too soon to get that specific. The answer was the same for when in 2024 ground may be broken.

But he did speak about using an approach which would see the outer shell be built while interior design is still being finalized.

“We are saying no to parking lot medicine, and yes to the Red Deer Hospital expansion,” said Tweedle. “We can’t wait to get to work.”

Unprompted, the UCP responded Thursday with a statement from Red Deer-North candidate Adriana LaGrange.

“When Rachel Notley had her shot as premier, she axed the Red Deer Regional Hospital expansion project. Our United Conservative government prioritized expanding and redeveloping this vital facility. The planning phase has been completed and the design phase has already started,” said LaGrange.

“The NDP will promise anything to distract Albertans from their disastrous record in government. Rachel Notley’s 38 per cent tax hike on job creators will mean less funding for projects like this as businesses close up shop and move to jurisdictions that don’t punish job creators. A re-elected United Conservative government will get the Red Deer Regional Hospital expansion done.”

The UCP have not publicly committed to the requests of SHECA, including for a transition plan, regular updates to community, and creating a decision for a central decision-maker.

rdnewsNOW has requested an updated statement addressing those points.