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Red Deer-South

Ashley MacDonald: Green Party of Alberta

May 17, 2023 | 1:24 PM

Hello readers,

Each candidate from the four constituencies we are covering this election season have been issued the same questionnaire. This candidate’s biography and their answers can be found below. Our questionnaire had a limit of 500 words, and the bio 150. A / at the end indicates they went over.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by each candidate are their own, and are not endorsed by rdnewsNOW.

For more Alberta Election 2023 coverage, visit our dedicated Alberta Votes page.


Ashley MacDonald (he/him) was born in Alberta and raised all over Canada. Ashley attended Red Deer College studying Political Science and History. A former Oil Sands worker he left the industry in 2015, and currently works with Red Deer’s vulnerable population as a Mental Health Worker. Ashley has years of experience working alongside people living with addictions and mental health concerns and he has seen far too many people die from the opioid crisis and feels it is time we take sensible and evidence-based approaches to countering this epidemic. Ashley envisions an Alberta where everyone’s voice counts and not just on election day. An Alberta designed around the principles of Ecological wisdom, social justice, Participatory democracy, Non-violence, Sustainability, and Respect for diversity. We need an Alberta that serves its people and not its corporate elite.


1. What made you decide to run in this provincial election?

I spent years commenting on the sidelines. The UCP under Kenney/Smith have shown that we need to get involved and not just comment on matters acting like we cannot make a difference. Alberta is being run into the ground thru corporate handouts and pandering to the radical extremes. The people of Red Deer need an advocate that will listen to their concerns and take them to Edmonton, they need an advocate that will work with others to solve the problems facing us today, tomorrow, and in the future and not a representative that deflects from the issues facing the people of Red Deer, and Alberta as a whole, with complaints about Federal politicians and who labels everything they don’t like as “Socialism.”

2. Why should constituents vote for you? What skill sets and experience do you have that make you a good fit for the role of MLA?

Elect me if you want a level-headed advocate who will be there day and night working for the people of Red Deer. I am a listener, who believes in the power of the people and who sees that we need to come together for the future of Red Deer and Alberta. I have spent my adult life working with people where we have worked together to get things done; Whether it was during my years in the Oil Sands or my time working with people living with addictions and mental health concerns, I am a team-player and a tireless defender of the people. I am someone that can be trusted to empower others, to give guidance when needed, and to accept criticism when given.

3. From your perspective, what are the most important issues in this election, both provincially and in your riding specifically?

Here in Red Deer, we see the important issues facing all Albertans every day. The three that immediately come to mind, the cost of living is skyrocketing in this city to a point people cannot afford to meet their bare necessities. The amount of people relying on the Food Bank is a prime example of what is wrong with our current system. The Green Party of Alberta’s program calling for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an important step in addressing this issue. Secondly, mental health is an issue affecting everyone in Red Deer, we see it every day on our streets and in our homes. The Green party of Alberta’s plan for Universal and Comprehensive health care reform will amend the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan to cover much needed mental health supports.

Thirdly, I write this while our local sky is orange from wildfires. Our Province is burning while our Premier holds photo-ops in command centres and delayed calling for a State of Emergency so they can attend a party event and who has slashed fire-fighting budgets to give away more of our resources to their cronies. We need direct action to safeguard our climate, our biodiversity, and our waterways and the Green Party of Alberta’s Wildfire Resiliency Plan that calls for such things as the reinstatement of the Alberta Rapattack program, the reopening and expanding of fire lookout positions, and an increase to our water tanker fleet is an important investment in our future.

4. What is your main message to voters, especially those who may be undecided?

Demand Better because you deserve it.

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