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Crops & Bees

Team Alberta Crops releases election priorities

May 16, 2023 | 10:44 AM

By Reg Warkentin, Government Relations and Policy Manager, Team Alberta Crops

Team Alberta Crops developed election priorities to help candidates understand the issues important to Alberta producers of crops and bees. Alberta farmers represent less than one percent of Alberta’s population yet contribute billions to Alberta’s economy directly, as well as through exports and supplying value-added processors with high-quality feedstock. Team Alberta Crops represents a collaboration between eight of Alberta’s crop commissions: Alberta Barley, Alberta Beekeepers Commission, Alberta Canola, Alberta Pulse Growers, Alberta-British Columbia Seed Growers, Alberta Sugar Beet Growers, Alberta Wheat Commission and the Potato Growers of Alberta. The crop and honey sector would like the next provincial government to focus on the following issues:


Work with federal, provincial, and territorial governments to reduce trade barriers, open new markets and attract new customers for Alberta agricultural products. Alberta’s economy would also benefit from continued efforts to attract investment into value-added processing projects.


Work with provincial and federal counterparts to ensure that Business Risk Management (BRM) programs remain effective. This requires that program administrators recognize the variability in farmer practices and that BRM programs remain free from environmental cross-compliance measures that further increase red tape.


The viability of the agriculture industry and its ability to compete in the global market is supported by incorporating innovative technologies and educational advancements. Team Alberta Crops calls upon the Alberta government to continue investing in research, extension, as well as ag-related training and education.


Global demand for food is growing, and limiting our capacity to produce healthy, hearty crops will result in other less sustainable countries filling the demand. The Alberta Government must recognize regional and crop-specific practices and use financial incentives to promote adopting beneficial management practices to reduce our environmental impact further. Additionally, the government needs to reduce land use conflict through land use frameworks and continue to invest in and promote plastic recycling programs.


Apply pressure to reverse the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) decision to eliminate animal feed treated with Lambda-Cyhalothrin and ensure the PMRA transformation agenda does not undermine the trust and reliability of science-based regulatory reviews.


Alberta beekeepers saw colony losses of 20 to 80 percent and urgently need to rebuild their numbers. The next provincial government must continue to work with the federal government and other provinces for approval to access bee stock from the approved safe zone in northern California.

Team Alberta Crops will continue to inform and share information with elected officials and the government on these critical issues. We are a non-partisan, grassroots partnership representing thousands of Alberta farmers. Sharing these priorities is to ensure agriculture is an integral part of the 2023 Alberta election conversation.

For more detailed information on each of the election priorities, visit TeamAlbertaCrops.com.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The views expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of rdnewsNOW or Pattison Media. Column suggestions and letters to the editor can be sent to news@rdnewsNOW.com.

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