Waskasoo residents voice opposition to multi-storey seniors living accommodation in area
Various Red Deerians filled council chambers donning red on Monday in opposition of a seniors living community that they say would impact the Waskasoo neighbourhood.
Council gave first reading to a land use bylaw amendment to rezone a privately owned 1.6 hectare parcel (4240 59 St) in Waskasoo from a Public Service (PS) District to the Residential (Multiple Family) District (R3) to pursue a multi-family residential development. They also gave first reading to an amendment to the Waskasoo Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) to accommodate the future proposed development.
“We’re concerned about the environment, we’re concerned about traffic and we want responsible development in the city and that is the wrong place to build a high rise apartment,” said John Bouw, Waskasoo Community Association (WCA) President, who believes the land should remain a green space.