Red Deer Regional Hospital expansion
Recently, I had the privilege to travel to Red Deer, meet with elected officials from across central Alberta, and host a public information session about the Red Deer Regional Hospital Expansion project to help answer the central question: why does building a hospital take so long?
As the many folks in attendance at our information session heard me say, building a hospital is like an iceberg: there is a lot more beneath the surface. Hospitals are very complex buildings from a construction standpoint. Residential construction, which many of us understand more broadly, is like a snowball in the water next to the massive iceberg that is hospital construction.
Most people do not know about the intricacies of hospital builds, nor should they have to. When someone needs a hospital their top of mind concern is not on the length of medical gas tubing in the walls and ceilings, or how much space there is between floors for electrical, medical, and plumbing equipment; they just want the best medical help available.
However, I am increasingly encouraged by the amount of interest there is around the Red Deer hospital project and its progress. My background is in construction and I love to see excitement from the community around projects. It is a genuine pleasure to help “chip away this iceberg” for people and let them know what goes on beneath the surface.