BUDGET: potential utilities tax increase of four per cent, among others
Red Deer city council began their 2023-24 budget deliberations on Monday with The City’s financial background outlining the proposed increases in property taxes, utilities, fees and charges and the need to replenish various reserves.
The City released the draft operating and capital budgets on Nov. 7, requesting community feedback. The Operating budget consists of $413 million for 2023 and $418 million for 2024. The Capital Budget totals $102 million in 2023 and $106 million in 2024.
For a typical home assessed at $345,000, an approximate increase of four per cent would be seen on monthly utility bills such as water, wastewater, solid waste and electricity. Based on an average water consumption of 17 cubic metres, an increase of $170.20 for 2023 can be seen, adding to a monthly increase of $6.29. In 2024, this would be an increase of $176.64 or $6.44 monthly.