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(Safe Harbour Society)
shining a light

Safe Harbour looking to fill 200 Christmas gift bags for shelter users

Nov 26, 2022 | 1:32 PM

Safe Harbour Society is asking for the public to help fill 200 gift bags for shelter users this holiday season.

The bags get opened Christmas morning, says Kath Hoffman, executive director.

“In it are practical and some not so practical things like treats, which we all like to have,” she says. “But there are also things like socks, underwear, gloves and toques. We ask for monetary donations for these mostly because we know what we have in stock, and what we need to buy the most for the bags. We also appreciate gift cards for fast food places.”

Hoffman says if someone does want to donate items, socks are the number one item always, as well as men’s and women’s underwear. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are also high on the list.

“There are many ways to help and we appreciate anyone shining their light in our harbour,” says Hoffman.

“What it is is an expression of kindness, and that’s how our clients see that. It’s akin to if you were walking by one of them and were able to catch their eye — though very often their heads are down — but if you’re able to give that smile and hello, it’s the same feeling. No one of us is any different. So any contribution is felt and appreciated.”

November has been a tough month at the shelter, with one day seeing a record high for overnight users at 153.

The weather was cold for a good stretch, Hoffman points out, putting the nightly average in November at 100-130 people. It’s about the same during the day, she says.

“Every day we have 50 or 70 people sleeping at any one time, with others coming and going.

Either way, the number of users is up, she says, though it’s hard to say how many are remaining outdoors instead of utilizing the shelter.

The City of Red Deer conducted a homeless count this past September — the first since 2018 — with results expected in early 2023.

To contribute to Safe Harbour’s 200 bags campaign, you can e-transfer to bookkeeping@safeharboursociety.org, or drop donations off in person. Donations can also be made on Safe Harbour’s website.