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Marissa Mitsuing, the exhibit's co-curator and co-creator, with baby Mitsuing, as well as Kim Verrier, the museum's exhibitions coordinator, and Culture Minister Ron Orr in Edmonton. (Supplied)

Red Deer Museum & Mitsuing family receive Heritage Awareness Award for exhibit

Oct 6, 2022 | 1:53 PM

The Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery and a local family are the recipients of a Heritage Awareness Award for an exhibit entitled Powwow! Ohcîwin the Origins.

Marissa Mitsuing, the exhibit’s co-curator and co-creator, as well as Kim Verrier, the museum’s exhibitions coordinator, accepted the award earlier this month in Edmonton.

“The history of Alberta is both fascinating and inspiring. I’m proud to honour the people and organizations who work so passionately and diligently to preserve our heritage for future generations,” says Ron Orr, Culture Minister. “Their dedication will help ensure that our stories continue to be told and remembered for years to come.”

The exhibit is now travelling and on display at the Musée Héritage Museum in St. Albert.

The biennial heritage awards honour the contributions of individuals, organizations, businesses, Indigenous communities and municipalities actively engaged in heritage preservation and appreciation in the following categories: Outstanding Achievement, Heritage Conservation and Heritage Awareness.

The Mitsuings also organize the Red Deer International Pow Wow, which is coming up once again from Oct. 14-16 at Westerner Park.

Full list of Heritage Award winners

Outstanding Achievement

· Richard de Boer, Calgary

· Belinda Crowson, Lethbridge

· Noreen Easterbrook, Smoky Lake

· Tofield Historical Society, Tofield

· Alberta Genealogical Society’s Provincial Archives of Alberta Volunteers

· Bodo Archaeological Society

Heritage Conservation

· The City of Calgary for the rehabilitation of its historic city hall

· Sandra Hajash for the restoration of the Duke of Sutherland Bungalow exterior

Heritage Awareness

· Powwow! Ohcîwin the Origins by Patrick and Marrisa Mitsuing and the Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery

· Métis Nation of Alberta Region 3 Historical Research by Matt Hiltermann

· Abandoned Alberta by Joe Chowaniec

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