Red Deer city council approves site exception for potential strip mall in Capstone
Red Deer city council passed second and third reading of a site exception in the Capstone neighborhood for a potential strip mall.
At Monday’s meeting, council passed the Land Use Bylaw Amendment as the proposed project did not meet development standards according to the vision and design intent outlined in the Riverlands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) as a mixed-use, high density, urban neighborhood with a visual aesthetic and physical experience geared towards a pedestrian oriented community.
The L-shaped single storey structure proposed by East Lincoln Properties for a strip mall at 5441 45 St. would contain front parking.
The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) for Riverlands Taylor-Drive District contains policies such as a minimum of two storey structures, a front façade running the entire length of the frontage and surface parking no greater than 40 per cent of the frontage.