Fines of $250 for excessive vehicle noise underway in Red Deer
Red Deer RCMP and Community Peace Officers (CPO) will now be tackling excessive vehicle noise, with fines beginning at $250, the City announced on Tuesday.
Approved in May 2022, the Community Standards Bylaw was amended to address excessive vehicle noise by setting acceptable decibel (dBA) levels for a vehicle while at idle, and while at speeds greater than idling, at 92 dBA and 96 dBA respectively. The City says these limits were determined by reviewing medical literature as to safe noise exposure levels, as well as other municipalities’ bylaws.
“Throughout the warmer months, we receive hundreds of complaints from citizens related to excessive vehicle noise. The Community Standards Bylaw allows our traffic enforcement teams to objectively identify and ticket excessive noise,” says Municipal Policing Services Superintendent Peter Puszka.
The City confirms members of the Red Deer RCMP’s Traffic Unit and CPO’s recently completed the required training to operate the new decibel meter equipment.