Long weekend heroes needed in Red Deer to donate blood and plasma
As the August long weekend approaches, Canadian Blood Services (CBS) is asking for long weekend heroes in Red Deer to support patients this summer by booking and keeping appointments to donate blood, platelets, and plasma.
CBS officials note that summer is short in Canada and everyone is eager to soak up sun and fun, but remind people to not forget about the many hospital patients who rely on donors for lifesaving treatments.
Although one in two Canadians are said to be eligible to donate, only one in 81 does, says Canadian Blood Services. The organization encourages you to consider being someone’s hero by taking an hour of time to book and keep an appointment to donate over the long weekend and help ensure patients’ needs continue to be met.
The Canadian Blood Services Donor Centre located at #5 5020 68 Street in Red Deer, has over 110 open appointments to fill at donation events that run: