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Long weekend heroes needed in Red Deer to donate blood and plasma

Jul 28, 2022 | 11:15 AM

As the August long weekend approaches, Canadian Blood Services (CBS) is asking for long weekend heroes in Red Deer to support patients this summer by booking and keeping appointments to donate blood, platelets, and plasma.

CBS officials note that summer is short in Canada and everyone is eager to soak up sun and fun, but remind people to not forget about the many hospital patients who rely on donors for lifesaving treatments.

Although one in two Canadians are said to be eligible to donate, only one in 81 does, says Canadian Blood Services. The organization encourages you to consider being someone’s hero by taking an hour of time to book and keep an appointment to donate over the long weekend and help ensure patients’ needs continue to be met.

The Canadian Blood Services Donor Centre located at #5 5020 68 Street in Red Deer, has over 110 open appointments to fill at donation events that run:

  • Friday July 29 and Saturday July 30 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

In June CBS reported that during the pandemic the number of regular donors had decreased by 31,000, resulting in the smallest donor base in a decade. When the public was asked for their support, they responded and made a difference, say CBS officials. June 2022 was the third highest month for welcoming new donors since the start of the pandemic, says CBS.

Canadian Blood Services says they are grateful for those donors, but many more are needed to support patients now and, in the future, especially with the unpredictability of the pandemic. The organization says they need more than 100,000 new donors in Canada this year to keep up with demand.

CBS acknowledges that summer months are always a challenge for collections, but say it is important to remember that patient need doesn’t pause for good weather. When some are enjoying cottage fun, cancer patients, accident victims and people with blood disorders are in need of lifesaving blood products.

Whether you give blood, platelets, and plasma, or register to be a stem cell or organ and tissue donor — you’re asked to please show up for patients and be a long weekend hero as lives depend on it.

You can book now on blood.ca, by using the GiveBlood app or calling 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283).