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Alberta Minister of Energy released a statement today in response to the Federal Governments plan to reduce emmisions by 40 percent by 2030 (Photo: The Canadian Press)
Provincial Jurisdiction

Alberta opposes federal government’s plan to further reduce emissions

Jul 18, 2022 | 3:54 PM

The Alberta government says it will not accept any plans from the federal government that will interfere with Alberta’s “constitutionally protected ability to develop its resources.”

In a joint email release, Energy Minister Sonya Savage and Minister of Environment and Parks Whitney Issik say Alberta is taking the development of its energy sector seriously, which incles taking action on climate change.

“Alberta has always taken responsible energy development seriously and that’s why we’ve been taking action on climate change for more than two decades – regulating industry, investing in innovation and supporting industry to adopt clean technology,” the ministers said. “However, Alberta will not accept any plan from the federal government that seeks to interfere in our constitutionally protected ability to develop our resources. Provinces are the owners of these natural resources, which have been responsibly managed on behalf of Canadians for decades.”

The ministers also state the federal government’s plan will only hurt everyday Canadians.

“The federal government cannot act unilaterally to meet their emissions targets. The global energy crisis and skyrocketing cost of living are affecting all Canadians, particularly those who are most vulnerable,” said the ministers. “Rising energy prices are impacting business supply chains and the transportation sector, making life more expensive for Canadians – from putting gas in their cars to buying groceries to heating and cooling their homes.”

They said Alberta is willing to engage in discussions with the federal government, but Ottawa has yet to seek Alberta’s input.

“Alberta is fully prepared to engage in meaningful and productive discussions with the federal government on ways we can reduce emissions – yet we have not been given that chance,” the ministers said. “Less than two weeks ago, energy ministers from the federal government, provinces and territories gathered together, yet Ottawa did not seek our input or share this paper.”

This statement was released in response to the paper published by Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, detailing the federal government’s proposed options for the oil and gas emissions cap that was promised in last year’s federal election.

The government is aiming to reduce emissions across all industries by 40 percent from 2005 levels by 2030.

Kathleen Ganley, NDP Critic for Energy, made the following statement in response to the emissions reduction discussion paper released by the federal government:

“Alberta’s NDP believes that we must reduce the emissions that cause climate change across all sectors, right across Canada.

“We will be reading this paper closely to determine what assumptions the federal government is making in terms of future production growth in Alberta’s energy sector and the performance of evolving technologies such as CCUS and energy storage.

“Any credible plan to reduce emissions must include a high level of detail and the resources necessary to ensure the protection and creation of good-paying jobs in Alberta. An Alberta NDP government will always stand up for Alberta workers and their families.”

(With files from rdnewsNOW)

READ MORE: Feds propose to cap oil, gas emissions using industry-specific carbon pricing system