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may 24

Public Hearing for Quality Inn rezoning on Tuesday

May 20, 2022 | 3:57 PM

City Council will hear from citizens on Tuesday, May 24, at a public hearing regarding the rezoning of 7150-50 Ave (Quality Inn) from C4 Commercial (Major Arterial) District to C5 Commercial (Mixed Use) District to accommodate future residential uses on the site.

The public hearing comes after City Council approved first reading of the proposed rezoning on Monday, April 25. The site now features a 114-room hotel. Owners want to convert some or all of the hotel rooms into multi-family (apartment-style) dwelling units, which are permitted use within the C5 district. The land is now zoned C4 for primarily commercial uses. The housing types allowed within C5 are limited and do not include emergency shelters.

Public hearings provide an opportunity for members of the public to speak to Council on advertised planning and development matters and other matters as determined by Council.

City Council will hear from any person claiming to be affected by the rezoning at a public hearing starting at 5 p.m. In accordance with Alberta’s Meeting Procedures (COVID-19 Suppression) Regulation, which is intended to avoid exposing persons to COVID-19 and in response to physical distancing and regulations related to gatherings, Council Chambers is closed to the public at this time. Public is welcome to participate in this Public Hearing over the phone.

Starting May 9, 2022, new Public Hearing procedures are in effect (Schedule E of Procedure Bylaw). Any person who wishes to address Council on this Public Hearing matter may do so for a period of five minutes. The five minutes does not include the time required to answer questions from City Council. Persons addressing Council shall limit their comments to this Public Hearing matter and the recommendations being discussed.

For more information on participation visit the Participation in Public Hearings page or contact City Clerk at 403-342-8132 or email legislativeservices@reddeer.ca. The Public Hearing and Council’s debate will be live streamed at https://meeting.reddeer.ca.

READ MORE: Red Deer’s Quality Inn hotel considering converting rooms into residential units

(City of Red Deer PSA)