Three participants so far at Red Deer’s drug treatment court
Red Deer’s drug treatment court has been up and running for a few months now and some may be wondering; how’s it going?
“When we’re able to take those individuals and support them in getting residential treatment, getting a home, getting the treatment that they need to get back on their feet and become productive citizens but also start contributing back to the community through their volunteer work, it’s a win-win for everybody,” said Trish McAllister, Program Manager of the Red Deer Drug Treatment Court Services..
According to McAllister, the diversion program is geared towards individuals in central Alberta involved with the justice system facing one to five years of jail time for low level offences, like minor property charges, relating to drugs and substance abuse disorders.
A partnership between the John Howard Society of Red Deer and the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, these individuals may be given the opportunity to serve their time in the drug court system instead, where they will trade their jail time for residential and community based treatments, volunteer work and therapies.