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Ross Street Patio (rdnewsNOW file photo)
Ross Street Patio

Red Deer city council considers designating a downtown Entertainment District

May 10, 2022 | 9:59 AM

Red Deer city council has considered the development of a new bylaw following a request from the Downtown Business Association (DBA) to designate the Ross Street Patio (RSP) area as an Entertainment District.

At their regular meeting on Monday, council advised administration to draft the bylaw for first reading on May 24.

Entertainment Districts are new to Alberta, created in December 2021 through an amendment to the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act, and are described as designated public areas where adults may consume alcohol outside of licensed premises while enjoying various types of entertainment.

“Research into the topic has shown that, while relatively new in Canada, there are numerous international jurisdictions where open consumption is allowed in public areas,” said Erin Stuart, Inspections and Licensing Manager. “Learnings from those areas show that Entertainment Districts provide opportunities for municipalities to revitalize key neighbourhoods, drive tourism, and support local businesses.”

Following a review of the request from the DBA sent on March 22, administration determined a new bylaw is needed to support the request and sought direction from council before proceeding.

The letter states the DBA is currently working with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Commission (AGLC) to have a local brewery distribute samples on the RSP to promote the launch of a limited-edition Ross Street Patio beer.

“This has proven very difficult with the multiple requirements of the AGLC – if it was an Entertainment District, it could simply require a City of Red Deer Special Event Permit and be bound by the Entertainment District bylaws,” said the DBA in their letter.

The association also suggests zoning the alley behind the RSP as an Entertainment District as well.

“With the recent addition of lighting, music, and murals plus the restaurants’ ability to serve from the rear of their establishments, it increases the ability of the DBA to encourage use of this area as an event space,” they said.

Administration says a short timeline for implementing the bylaw is set to maximize the use of the summer season.

It is anticipated the bylaw will address items such as approved locations, hours of operation, fees, and limitations on breakable containers. Research for the bylaw will include information on whether additional insurance is required for the district.

City officials say an Entertainment District in Red Deer would not allow public intoxication, underage drinking, use of cannabis, or the bringing in or taking away of alcohol to and from the district. It also does not replace a Special Events Permit for temporary events. The bylaw could be expanded to include other areas outside the downtown in future years, but the first iteration of the bylaw is said to focus solely on Ross Street Patio.

The City will consult with the DBA and Ross Street businesses to obtain input on the proposed bylaw and its potential impacts on these businesses. The bylaw will not require a public hearing and would be the first of its kind in Canada.

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