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healthy food better for learning

Wolf Creek Public Schools joins call for universal healthy school food program

Apr 16, 2022 | 10:54 AM

Wolf Creek Public Schools is supporting a national advocacy campaign to bring healthy food to schools.

The division’s board recently received a presentation from the Coalition for Healthy School Food, asking for support for the coalition’s efforts in advocating both federal and provincial governments for a universal, cost-shared healthy school food program.

“Studies have shown that these programs can contribute to reducing risk for cardiovascular and chronic diseases, such as heart disease and Type-2 diabetes,” said Judith McNicol, dietitian student from Alberta Public Health Association. “They have been linked to positive impacts on children’s mental health, including reductions in behaviour and emotional problems, bullying, anxiety and depression.”

The Coalition noted to trustees that only 35 per cent of schools in Canada have one or more government funded school food programs.

At Wolf Creek, there are a number of existing programs within schools.

“We are proud of the leadership being shown by our students and staff to bring this forward, but also in spearheading local initiatives within Wolf Creek,” said Luci Henry, WCPS Board Chair. “The board is excited by the efforts of the Coalition and happy to lend our support.”

The division adds that at École Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School, have drafted a pilot program in the event that such funding was made available from the federal and provincial governments.

“A Universal School Food Program would allow for all children to have access in a non-stigmatizing manner,” said ÉSLCHS Ecovision student Taylor Perez, adding, the program would serve nourishing and culturally appropriate foods, with education that goes beyond meals, while providing an opportunity to foster food literacy. Additionally, it could build on existing programs to incorporate local knowledge and use local food.

More than 70 other organizations across Canada have endorsed the Coalition’s advocacy efforts.