Government proposes bill to reform disciplinary process for teachers
Officials with the Alberta government say students, parents and teachers across the province stand to benefit from reforms to the discipline process for all teachers and teacher leaders.
If passed, Bill 15, the Education (Reforming Teacher Profession Discipline) Amendment Act, 2022 would create the Alberta Teaching Profession Commission, and appoint an arm’s-length commissioner, to oversee teacher and teacher leader conduct and competency complaints for the profession. Officials say this process would apply equally to all teachers and teacher leaders, whether they are members of the Alberta Teachers’ Association or not.
“Alberta’s government is committed to ensuring student safety is at the centre of our disciplinary processes,” said Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Education, on Thursday. “I want parents and the public to have peace of mind and know that we are improving accountability in the process, enhancing the reputation of the teaching profession and increasing public assurance when it comes to oversight of discipline matters.”
Creating a new model for teacher and teacher leader discipline overseen by a commissioner is hoped to bring Alberta in line with comparable provinces and other regulated professions such as nurses, where an arm’s-length organization oversees disciplinary matters, say government officials. By aligning Alberta’s processes with those used in other provinces and professions in Canada, parents are expected to be assured the new commission would further protect students and enhance accountability and transparency.