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E-scooters rolling again in Red Deer, as four companies mull age-change

Mar 26, 2022 | 10:43 AM

E-scooters have begun to roll out in Red Deer for the second year of a three-year pilot project.

Thus far, however, just one company is up and running, that being Neuron.

Of the five other companies which operated last year, one has dropped out due to city council’s decision on lowering the minimum age to 16. The four remaining are currently working out the kinks of managing the age decrease, including issues to do with insurance, says Amy Fengstad, the City’s Parking and Licensing Supervisor.

Link is out, she says, while Roll, Lime, Bird and Spin are the ones taking further steps.

“We’re definitely pleased to see season two start. Stats from our first season show the pilot exceeded expectations and we’re optimistic this year will be similar,” says Fengstad. “We had a lot of positive feedback. There were some residents who aren’t particularly pleased with them, because they say they’re unsightly or there are too many, but the bulk of people are enjoying them.”

Fengstad says the number of them in the City this year could be different, if more companies drop out of the market due to the age change, but that also leaves the door open for the companies which stay to increase their fleet.

She also says the scooters are showing potential as a key fixture in Red Deer’s overall transportation network, as people use them for both fun and their commute to and from work.

“The biggest piece right now with the age change is rider education, as it relates to safety, and when using the trail system. The scooters move at 20 km/h, which is faster than someone walking, but then there’s that competition with cyclists,” she says.

“With the age being 16, the idea is you’re someone who’s competent enough to ride one safely, who can be sturdy on a scooter and respond quickly.”

Current provincial regulations prevent municipalities from dropping the age below 16.

Riders are also strongly encouraged to take advantage of the helmets attached to Neuron’s scooters. She notes that if you don’t return the helmet to the scooter properly, it will charge your credit card.

Since Neuron launched its fleet a couple weeks ago, there have been no reported injuries or other problems, says Fengstad.

“Be conscious of where you leave your e-scooter when you’re done with it, she adds.


E-scooter minimum rider age now 16

City of Red Deer releases e-scooter survey results for pilot’s first year

City officially launches three-year e-scooter pilot program

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