Province announces a new vision for post-secondary education
Alberta’s government is introducing a number of legislative changes aimed at supporting the strategic direction of the Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs initiative and recommendations of the Skills for Jobs Task Force.
As part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, government officials say the proposed Advanced Education Statutes Amendment Act would make key changes to the preamble of the Post-secondary Learning Act to reflect the transformational work happening through the Alberta 2030 initiative.
It’s also hoped to provide the authority to establish the Minister’s Advisory Council on Higher Education and Skills (MACHES), which is expected to be the new strategic advisory council for Alberta’s post-secondary system.
“Alberta 2030 is a transformational plan for our post-secondary system,” said Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Advanced Education, in a press release this week. “At its core, the strategy will work to build skills for jobs to ensure that Albertans develop the knowledge and competencies they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. As part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, Bill 74 makes important changes to existing legislation to enshrine the strategic vision of the initiative, and paves the way for phased implementation.”