Central Alberta café owner sentenced for breaching public health orders
The owner of a central Alberta café convicted of breaching public health orders this spring has been sentenced to three days in jail satisfied by time already served, and sanctioned with a fine of $20,000.
Christopher Scott, owner and operator of the Whistle Stop Café near Mirror, AB, northeast of Red Deer, was also placed on probation for 18 months, with conditions to stay in Alberta until his fines are paid, keep the peace, be of good behaviour, obey all AHS public health orders relating to COVID-19, and provide 120 hours of community service of not less than 10 hours per month.
He must also place the scientific community’s claims regarding COVID-19 on the record whenever he is publicly opposing AHS public health orders, including on social media forums.
Scott was also ordered to pay costs of $10,922.75 to Alberta Health Services (AHS) by Justice Adam Germain on Wednesday. Germain said further jail time for Scott would only serve to martyr him in the eyes of his followers, and suggested there were more effective ways for him to make reparations for his breach of public health orders on May 8 of this year.