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(Government of Alberta)

Alberta launches COVID vaccine records app, QR code

Oct 12, 2021 | 4:39 PM

Albertans now have a new way of showing that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Premier Jason Kenney says the “AB Covid Records Verifier” app is available as a free download on iOS and Android devices, showing a scannable QR code that businesses utilizing the Restrictions Exemption Program can access.

“Albertans and businesses asked for a safe and secure app to make it easier to check proof of vaccination and today we have delivered. Enhanced vaccine records with a QR code and easy-to-use validator app are important tools in support of our commitment to protect the health-care system, slow the spread and increase vaccination rates,” says Kenney.

In order to use this system, you will need to first download the app. On the https://covidrecords.alberta.ca/form website, when you enter your information, a QR code will become available. You can either print that off or save the image to your phone.

When the QR code is scanned, a green checkmark will verify the proof of vaccination. It displays the person’s name, date of birth, and whether they have been vaccinated.

Businesses are asked to check for a valid ID that matches the vaccine record for people aged 18 and older.

Health Minister Jason Copping adds that the app does not store any personal information.

“Our new proof of vaccine record and verifier app is more secure and easier to use for Albertans and businesses taking part in our Restrictions Exemption Program. It allows Albertans to easily show their vaccine record so they can safely do the things they enjoy – like visiting a recreation centre, gym, restaurant, or attending a sports or arts event.”

You can also go to https://covidrecords.alberta.ca/home to access your immunization records and print them off.

As of November 15, however, the app and QR code will be the only acceptable proof of vaccination.

Meantime, daily dose numbers continue to grow as more than 3.2 million Albertans are now vaccinated with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Officials say more than 430,000 first and second doses have been administered since Sept. 3, which means Alberta is quickly closing the gap on the national average of 87 per cent of eligible Canadians who have received their first dose as of Oct. 2. More than 250,000 Albertans have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine since Sept 3.

“This is an important milestone in our effort to get as many Albertans vaccinated as soon as possible,” said Premier Jason Kenney. “Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to get their vaccine, not just for themselves but to protect those around them as well. The more Albertans who do this, the more successful we will be at protecting lives and our health-care system.”

“Albertans are showing they have the power to change the course of this pandemic by getting vaccinated,” added Jason Copping. “As neighbours, by working together we can protect our health-care system and each other. Please, think of each other, get the information you need and get vaccinated today.”

“COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate and can affect people of all ages,” noted Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health. “That’s why it’s important that we all get vaccinated to get the best available protection from this virus. If you have received your first dose, always follow up with your second to get the most benefits from the vaccine.”

Increasing hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions among unvaccinated Albertans are challenging the health system that all Albertans rely on, say government officials.

While first doses provide strong protection against severe outcomes from COVID-19, second doses are said to be needed to get the best and most long-lasting protection against the virus. More than 76 per cent of Albertans are now fully vaccinated with both doses.

Bookings for first and second doses are available across Alberta. Albertans can book appointments by visiting alberta.ca/vaccine. First-dose walk-in clinics are also available at multiple locations.