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report not accepted

Council code of conduct investigation to remain under wraps

Oct 8, 2021 | 5:37 PM

The results of a second city council code of conduct investigation at the City of Red Deer will not be revealed, rdnewsNOW learned late Friday afternoon.

The investigation stems from a complaint received on May 7, 2021.


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In a lengthy closed meeting Thursday, it’s said a majority of council did not accept the investigation report.

That means it will remain confidential under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).

Deputy Mayor Lawrence Lee, who chaired the meeting, tells rdnewsNOW that councillors Buck Buchanan and Dianne Wyntjes voted to make the report public. Lee himself, along with councillors Vesna Higham, Tanya Handley, Frank Wong and Ken Johnston were opposed. Mayor Tara Veer and Councillor Michael Dawe were in the meeting to start but were not present for the vote.

“City council’s Code of Conduct Bylaw is a set of expectations for council member’s conduct and behaviour,” says Lee. “This is the second of two Code of Conduct complaints that were investigated in 2021.”

The City’s bylaw, which is required under the Municipal Government Act, was passed in July 2018.

After a review committee, comprised of three council members, reviewed the complaint, there was a majority vote to proceed to formal investigation. An investigator was hired to investigate and report back to city council.

Council had three meetings on the issue. The cost of the investigation won’t be known for up to five weeks, says Lee, who adds that it took a significant amount of time, and certainly more than the first one.

“Upholding city council’s Code of Conduct, procedural fairness, relationships and role clarity are essential as we work to ensure good governance that is in the best interest of the organization and our community,” adds Lee.

rdnewsNOW reached out to both councillors Buchanan and Wyntjes, who voted in favour of the report.

Buchanan declined to comment, but Wyntjes said,” As elected officials/councillors, we talk about transparency and accountability to the citizens and public. That is what I voted for — accountability and transparency.”

Council unanimously passed a second resolution Thursday directing the confidential report be shared with the City Manager to prepare a confidential memorandum outlining “lessons learned.”

That would be brought back to council in Q1 2022, and should make recommendations on the integration and relationships of the Mayor and Council’s office with administration.

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