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Red Deer city councillor Buck Buchanan seen here in an rdnewsNOW file photo. (rdnewsNOW)
Allowed To Resume Committee Duties

Councillor Buck Buchanan issues formal apology for social media comments

Aug 25, 2021 | 10:34 AM

Red Deer city councillor Buck Buchanan has issued a public apology for comments he made on social media earlier this year.

During council’s regular meeting on Tuesday, Buchanan directed the apology to Red Deer citizens, businesses, staff and council, which fulfills a key sanction imposed on him by council, following a Code of Conduct Bylaw investigation recently.

The investigation involved comments Buchanan made the night of Jan. 27, 2021 on a live video posted on Facebook by former Innisfail town councillor Glen Carritt, who was seen at a Sylvan Lake restaurant breaching public health orders.

Buchanan also informed council he met in-person on July 19, 2021 with Catherine Bulek-Lachman, Public Health Officer/Executive Officer, AHS Environmental Public Health to offer a personal apology.

Buchanan was suspended from all committees and the deputy mayor rotation until his apologies were provided. Council unanimously passed a motion stating they were satisfied with the apologies, thus fulfilling the requirements of the third sanction which allowed him to resume his regular council duties.

The final sanction will be for Buchanan to complete a social media course selected and paid for by the City which aligns with typical media training for City staff.

As of Aug. 25, Buchanan has yet to fulfill that sanction.

Full details on Code of Conduct complaint C-01-2021 can be found here.

Related: City Councillor Buck Buchanan sanctioned for social media comment in January 2021.

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