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(Calgary Zoo)
$31.5M Initiative

Calgary Zoo upgrading arctic habitats, aiming to save several species from extinction

Jul 8, 2021 | 10:06 AM

CALGARY, AB – Alberta’s largest zoo is undertaking a significant project that aims to protect numerous species that live in Canada’s arctic.

In total, $31.5 million will be spent on upgrading the Canadian Wilds Zone.

The Alberta Government announced $15.5 million in funding, the Taylor Family Foundation is contributing $8.5 million, while the zoo itself will spend $7.5 million of its own. The zoo’s portion will come from donations, grants, and sponsorships.

“Thanks to the significant investment from the province of Alberta, and the generous donation from the Taylor Family Foundation, the Calgary Zoo’s redeveloped Canadian Wilds zone will become one of the most comprehensive and engaging experiences of iconic Canadian wildlife and habitats anywhere in North America,” said Dr. Clément Lanthier, President & CEO of the Calgary Zoo.

“The Calgary Zoo is globally recognized for our successful conservation work spanning decades to save vulnerable wildlife populations from extinction. We will be partnering with other conservation-focused organizations already doing important work to help save polar bears from extinction.”

This work will entail several projects including adding larger and more complex habitats for some species, relocating other species to more suitable spaces, and building a new habitat for polar bears.

Phase one of redevelopment will comprise of polar bears, caribou, otters, and whooping cranes.

According to the zoo, melting sea ice has created a “survival crisis” for polar bears. Many of those that do survive head towards Arctic coastlines where they seek out human settlements for food.

Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism, and Status of Women Leela Sharon Aheer says the Canadian Wilds will offer more engaging experiences for visitors and showcase the importance of biodiversity and how the public can help to save these animals from extinction.

“The Calgary Zoo is one of the city’s signature attractions that enhances our quality of life and builds community connections. Revitalizing the Canadian Wilds habitat is an important investment that will continue to elevate the zoo as a world-renowned conservation facility. The enhancements will also engage visitors in new and exciting ways, inspiring them to think about their role in conserving Canada’s amazing wildlife and biodiversity.”

The polar bear habitat is scheduled to be finished in the fall of 2023 with the North American river otter habitat to follow shortly after.

Future phases may include bison, prairie dogs, and northern leopard frogs.