Rocky’s trail system back on track
As part of the Town of Rocky Mountain House’s Recreation Master Plan, the town is continuing the trail system that will loop and eventually end up in Creekside.
The goal of the trails was to create a pedestrian and bicycle friendly community and promote walking and biking as alternative transportation. The town is working to create a cohesive network of trails, sidewalks and crossings that make walking and cycling a realistic way to get around. The new trails will continue to be a combination of 2.5-metre wide asphalt and concrete paths.
The trail was delayed when the Town was informed that Alberta Transportation had plans for Highway 11 going through town. Now that the highway project has been completed, Rocky’s plans for a larger trail system can continue and will be starting back up at the beginning of July. The project had went out to tender and the town received two submissions. Red Deer-based Border Paving ended up as the successful bidder.
The next section of trail to be installed go from 52 Avenue to 50 Avenue on the west side of Highway 11. The trail will then cross over to the east side of the highway going along the service road from 50 Avenue south to the Co-op entrance.