Rocky residents will soon see new organic bins
Residents in Rocky Mountain House will begin seeing green garbage bins in front of their homes by the end of the month.
These new organic collection bins are part of the town’s effort to reduce the amount of weight, and organic waste is taking up in landfills. The Town conducted a waste audit in 2019 that showed 61 per cent of the weight of waste that went in Rocky’s landfill was compostable or recyclable.
These new bins will be accepting items like food scraps and yard scraps such as grass clippings and branches, as well as many other organic materials that can be found here. The town has said they will not be adding additional recycling bins. Instead, the town’s new Eco Centre will be serving as the destination for all other recyclable materials for both residents and businesses.
Only organic materials listed can go into the green collection bins. Town officials say plastic bags and biodegradable bags should only be used to upend the contents into the new bins. Residents can either throw the items directly in or if a bag must be used, the town is requesting the owner use paper bags.