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"Should be recognized"

Town declares June 7-13 as Seniors Week with County and Village support

May 27, 2021 | 2:23 PM

The Town of Rocky Mountain House has declared June 7-13, 2021 as Seniors Week which the County has recognized and endorsed.

Rocky Mayor Tammy Burke had reached out to Clearwater County Reeve Cammie Laird about teaming up in an effort to recognize seniors in a similar fashion to what the town had done last year by delivering ice cream to seniors centres.

The declaration would mostly be ceremonial in nature, but Clearwater County council also agreed to provide some cost sharing as well.

Councillor Theresa Laing noted her support and that the county does have an aging demographic.

“They’re the ones that built this community so I would certainly like to join up with the town.

Laing had brought up concerns about possibly opening a can of worms if they were to support one group and not others. It was a sentiment shared by councillor Timothy Hoven.

“I’m against any type of declaration. It’s going to become a situation where ten percent of our meetings are going to become what will we declare this week or month… I will not be voting for the motion,” Hoven said.

Councillor John Vandermeer continued his motion in supporting the declaration of seniors week. “It will not be going beyond that and will not make declarations of other groups. It’s a demographic that is significant in our community and should be recognized.”