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Operational savings being passed on

Taxes going down in Penhold

May 27, 2021 | 4:42 PM

There’s good news in Penhold as property tax rates will be going down this year.

This past year the opening and closing of the Penhold Regional Multiplex, reduced programing, staff lay-offs and further operational efficiencies resulting from the pandemic have contributed to reduced costs for the town.

At council’s direction these savings have been incorporated into the town’s budgeting process and will be passed on to residents and businesses this year.

Corporate Service Manager Tricia Willis recently presented council with a budget identifying the Town of Penhold has been holding the line on taxes over the past several years. This budget uses eight random residential properties as examples and all of the properties show a decrease on their taxes. The 2021 budget shows the lowest tax rate over the past 10 years.

Property Tax Notices and Assessments are in the mail and will be due June 30.

The five-year Operational and Capital budgets were approved with increases of two per cent year over year. CAO Rick Binnendyk identified to council the ability of a municipality to do long range planning is directly related to the provincial commitment to long term funding. As of this time, there is no long-term commitment from the province which makes long term planning extremely difficult.

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