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national unity

LETTER: Is Canada Worth Saving? If Yes, Can We?

Apr 27, 2021 | 9:09 PM

Is Canada Worth Saving? If Yes, Can We?

Our Economic Education Association recently hosted a conference on the future of Alberta and by extension, Canada.

There was good news and bad news.

First the good news: Many felt the answers are Yes and Yes. However there is a caveat to both and that is: A growing number of Albertans and many Canadians are not prepared to live in a country where electoral might makes right and where the tyranny of the majority is every bit as destructive as tyranny of the one.

But now the Bad news: To quote an unknown philosopher and convey the sense of our meeting: ‘If we want things to stay the same there is going to have to be a ‘heck’ of a lot of changes’.

Although we had a host of world class speakers, three of them had a message that related specifically to the future of Alberta and Canada.

Dr. Patrick Moore, Co-founder of Greenpeace talked about a growing divide in Alberta, Canada and, in fact, in the developed world between producers of wealth and consumers of wealth. He pointed out that the Paris Agreement on Climate is a wealth redistribution hoax and that the surest way to know if someone or some jurisdiction is a producer of or consumer of wealth is whether they do or do not support the Paris Agreement. All of Canada’s major parties, including Erin O’toole’s Conservative party and his strong ally Premier Kenny support the wealth redistributing Paris Agreement as of course does PM Trudeau. And when you listen to the governments most recent budget Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland mentioned benefits 1300 times. (Read $630 Billion in NET wealth redistribution from Alberta taxpayers in the past 30 years to the ROC and no plan to change in the future) And to add certainty to insult she mentioned productivity 39 times and competitiveness 13 times. So once again, how wealth producer Alberta can survive to continue to fund their largess is not their concern. To return to Dr. Moore’s message to our conference: He asked: Why do you continue to tolerate that type of abuse? His advice to our meeting and to Albertans and to our leaders was: Get Canada out of Paris or Get Alberta out of Canada. You can see his and the other speeches at freedomtalk.ca.

Paul Hinman, from the Wildrose Independence Party and Maxime Bernier from the People’s Party of Canada addressed the issue of tyranny of the majority from opposite directions but together or separately both plans would lead to increased independence, respect and fairness for Alberta.

Paul Hinman spoke about making Alberta a sovereign free and prosperous nation.
Paul’s plan to change how Alberta is treated is to take charge of our own affairs by having our own police force, our own environmental policy, collecting all taxes, having our own pension plan, our own employment insurance and taking control of our immigration. Then Wildrose would hold a clear referendum on Alberta’s Independence.

Maxime Bernier certainly agreed that ALL provinces must be treated fairly and his proposal to achieve that equality thru ‘Radical Decentralization’ of our federal government was very well received.

Whether you agree with them or not, it seems clear that our province is hurtling toward a fiscal crisis and a national unity crisis as I type. And to quote Einstein: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

If you love our province or our country or both, please consider the options that these leaders are suggesting.

Danny Hozack, Chairman

Economic Education Association



EDITOR’S NOTE: The views expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of rdnewsNOW or Pattison Media. Column suggestions and letters to the editor can be sent to news@rdnewsNOW.com.