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Six-month sentence for Innisfail man who exposed himself to children

Mar 25, 2021 | 2:25 PM

An Innisfail man who admitted to exposing himself to a person under the age of 16 has been given a six month jail sentence.

Terry Haskell, 68, pled guilty to the charge earlier this month and was given the sentence in a Calgary courtroom on Wednesday.

Haskell was also given three years’ probation with numerous conditions.

Among those conditions, to go for an assessmentand participate in and complete any counseling, treatment or programming directed by his probation officer, including sexual offending.

Haskell is also required to provide his probation officer with proof, in writing, of having followed through and completed any treatment or counseling he’s been directed to take.

In addition, he is not to be near any window or outside the door of his residence unless fully clothed or the opaque curtains or blinds are drawn, among others.

Charges of mischief to property and failing to comply with release conditions were withdrawn.

With Haskell getting credit for six months of time spent in custody, his sentence has been satisfied by time already served.

Haskell’s charges stem from an incident on Jan. 13 when Innisfail RCMP responded to a complaint of an adult male seen in a residence doorway exposing his naked body to children passing by.

Haskell was initially charged with 12 counts.

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