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“It’s like our class logo – kindness starts here"

Gr. 5 class at Maryview School says “Thank You” to frontline workers

Feb 28, 2021 | 7:52 PM

The grade five class at Maryview School in Red Deer is showcasing a level of kindness and compassion we could all learn a lesson from.

Every year, the students are tasked with coming up with a project to help others. This year they’re reaching out to frontline works to make them feel appreciated.

“We are trying to teach our children to look beyond themselves and to give,” explained Tammy Davis, Grade 5 teacher at Maryview School. “But this year that wasn’t possible, so we were looking at what’s a little thing we could do to help the community.”

The class formed their project by sitting in a talking circle and brainstorming ideas. And while they came up with many, Davis says one stood out.

“Let’s help out the frontline workers, and even just by saying thank you and making them feel they are recognized and valued.”

Each student was then tasked with a job to make it happen. Some put together a sign for the school, some made posters, others are designing postcards that will be sent out to hospitals. And some students were even tasked with reaching out to media to give the scoop.

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Grade five student Sasha says she wants frontline workers to feel appreciated.

“Some people like Dr. Hinshaw are getting very sad comments about them,” she lamented. “So we could do something kind to them, so they would feel better.”

Sasha says those very sentiments are rooted within the classroom.

“It’s like our class logo – kindness starts here.”

Grade five student Cameron says it’s important to get the message out.

“Frontline workers haven’t been getting a lot of respect for doing their job, and I think that it’s good for social media to know,” he said.

Cameron also hopes this might kickstart other schools to follow suit, creating a domino effect.

“Other schools might start thanking other people that have helped with COVID.”

Davis says the pandemic has been difficult for her students, but says they recognize that others have been going through a hard time as well.

“These kids are working so hard at being kind and thinking of other people.”