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province-wide process

Consultations begins on Métis Nation of Alberta’s draft Constitution

Feb 17, 2021 | 10:33 AM

EDMONTON, AB – The Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) has begun the province-wide consultation process on its draft Constitution.

In June of 2019, the Métis Government Recognition and Self-Government Agreement (MGRSA) was signed with the Government of Canada.

Following the signing, the MNA embarked on a process leading to formal federal recognition of Métis Nation self-government in Alberta. That includes the creation of a Constitution.

The MNA established a Constitution Commission to prepare a draft Constitution based on feedback from Métis citizens received in 2018 leading up to the signing of the MGRSA.

“The next step on our path to federally recognized self-determination is to consult with our citizens on the draft Constitution prepared by the Commission,” said president of the MNA, Audrey Poitras.

“Fitting with Métis tradition, we will listen and answer questions and use this feedback to ensure we choose a path forward that best meets the needs of Métis citizens in Alberta.”

The MNA stated that Métis in Alberta face “systemic disadvantages rooted in colonialism, racism and indifference”.

“Only a Métis government, recognized on a nation-to-nation, government-to-government level, will be able to adequately respond to the unique needs and ambitions of its citizens,” read a release from the MNA.

The Constitution Commission will hold a series of roundtables this month with existing MNA structures including MNA Provincial Council, Elders and Knowledge Keepers, youth, women and community members from each of the six MNA regions. Following this process, the Commission will hold public hearings open to all MNA citizens in Alberta.

A timeline of the self-government Constitution (Photo courtesy Métis Nation of Alberta at albertametisgov.com)

The public consultations will follow all public health guidelines in light of COVID-19.

Once all feedback is taken in, the MNA will hold an assembly for citizens to review a final draft of the Constitution.

If it is approved, the MNA will then hold a province-wide ratification process that will respect Métis customs, practices and traditions.

“Adopting our own Constitution is the realization of the dream that Louis Riel fought and died for,” Poitras added.

“His vision of Métis self-government has finally been formally recognized by the Government of Canada, and our Constitution will be the framework for our self-determination. This is a historic moment for all Métis citizens.”

More on the Métis Nation of Alberta can be found here. Additional details on the Constitution are here.

(Lethbridge News Now)