Red Deer’s Social Diversion Team ready to respond to calls
The City of Red Deer has partnered with Safe Harbour Society for a new, one-year pilot project aimed at helping local individuals in distress.
Red Deer’s new Social Diversion Team officially launches this week.
This means Red Deerians are now asked to call 2-1-1 and press 2 if they see someone that needs non-emergency support, such as someone experiencing mental health issues, addictions crisis or homelessness.
“Rather than dispatching an officer or medic to a non-emergency situation, residents and business owners can call in the Social Diversion Team who will use their specialized training to provide assessment, intervention and support,” says Sarah Tittemore, interim Chair of the Systems Leadership Team. “Often, people see something that is concerning to them, but feel it doesn’t warrant an emergency call. The Social Diversion Team fills that niche to respond to these types of social issues.”