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Better Times To Come

Mayor says Red Deer County “didn’t skip a beat” during 2020

Jan 5, 2021 | 5:04 PM

Red Deer County Mayor Jim Wood says what started off as a typical year in 2020 was quickly disrupted as the world collectively watched the COVID-19 pandemic unfold.

“In March, we dealt with the closures of many businesses, schools, daycares and even our own Red Deer County buildings,” Wood said in a post on the county’s website. “This was a situation many, including myself, have never had to deal with.”

Wood says as a council, they decided to help their residents and business owners that were struggling by offering an option to defer utility and property tax payments.

“Our hope was to alleviate some financial stresses as our entire province waited with uncertainty.”

During this time, though, Wood says county staff did not skip a beat, regardless of how the pandemic was affecting their personal lives.

“Whether they were working from home, with or without children, at the County Centre or out in the field, many pre-approved projects still moved forward,” he points out.

“Some of these included the intersection at McKenzie Road and Range Road 273, a new Gasoline Alley Entrance Sign, the Springbrook Water Treatment Plant and Booster Station, Phase 2 development at Junction 42, three bridge replacements and one bridge rehabilitation, the Springbrook Family Resource Centre, Fiber Optic installation to assist with rural internet and the opening of the Gasoline Alley Indoor Farmers’ Market.”

When the weather warmed up, Wood says staff worked hard to maintain the county’s agricultural land, roadways, parks and open spaces.

“Unfortunately, social restrictions caused the cancellation of some major events that many look forward to each year,” he laments.

“These included the Rural Beautification Tour, Agri-Trade, Volunteer Appreciation Night and the Canadian Finals Rodeo. Even with today’s greatest technologies, these events are not the same online as they are in person. We look forward to connecting in person at these events in the future.”

In an attempt to lift spirits, the #StayHome Superheroes program launched. Wood says the program was implemented to recognize the efforts being made to protect others by staying home during birthdays with a drive-by visit from the County’s first responders.

“To assist those needing a healthy meal while isolating, the Community Services department began a Meal Delivery Program, where staff and volunteers deliver frozen meals to residents of Red Deer County and neighbouring municipalities.”

Red Deer County received the Government Finance Officers Association award last month for financial reporting for the fifth year in a row. Wood describes the recognition as a tremendous achievement and a reflection of how hard the County works to be transparent with its budget.

Looking forward, the municipal general election will take place in October. Wood says the County’s website will be updated with all of the necessary tools to help residents make an informed decision and vote for whom they choose.

“I am very proud of and grateful for our staff and council that have worked exceptionally hard this year,” remarks Wood. “It has been a challenging road but their dedication and determination made this year a success like all others.”

“While we are still dealing with the uncertainty of COVID-19, I am hopeful that 2021 will be a great year. If you are in need of support during these challenging times, please reach out.”

County staff is available by calling 403-350-2150 or visiting rdcounty.ca and clicking on the COVID-19 page.

“We are all in this together. I wish each and every one of you good health, happiness and a safe year ahead,” concludes Wood.

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