Hockey FIT program for men returning to Red Deer
A program designed to help male hockey fans lead a healthier life is scheduled for a return to Red Deer.
Hockey FIT (Fans in Training) targets men between the ages of 35 and 65 who are fans of their local Canadian Hockey League team, and is partnered with more than 40 teams across the country.
“This is for guys whose health isn’t the greatest, and that’s costing the Canadian health care system quite a bit of money,” says Brendan Riggin, a research scientist at the Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine. “The idea is if we can try to get them to be more active and eat better, we can prevent some of those costs.”
Riggin, who also serves as the Hockey FIT head coach, says men’s health costs the system about $38 billion annually, with up to 70 per cent of that preventable. He says there would be an economic impact if men not just ate better and exercised more, but also reduced the amount they drink and smoke.