New look for Red Deer Lights the Night this year
As many begin to turn their attention towards the fast approaching Christmas season, officials with The City of Red Deer say residents can expect a modified version of ‘Red Deer Lights the Night’ this year.
The event will once again be presented by Stantec and hosted by The City of Red Deer and Downtown Business Association (DBA).
With citizens not able to gather together in City Hall Park as in previous years, the tradition of lighting up the night as a community will continue.
Red Deerians are invited to help light the night by turning on their home and business Christmas lights in unison at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21. A video showcasing the lights and decorations in City Hall Park will be shared on The City’s social media channels so Red Deerians can enjoy the view safely and from the comfort of their own homes.