Public hearing for Molly Banister Drive extension set for Oct. 27
A special meeting of Red Deer city council has been scheduled in order to allow enough time for what will surely be an eventful public hearing.
The future of Molly Banister Drive will be discussed at the hearing slated for Tuesday, Oct. 27 starting at 1 p.m. and running until 9 p.m., if necessary.
Council is considering an amendment to the city’s Municipal Development Plan to remove the protected roadway alignment for the extension of Molly Banister Drive to connect to 40 Avenue at 22 Street. They are also considering an amendment to the East Hill Major Area Structure Plan to remove the protected roadway alignment as well as the future emergency services facility and the collector road that is located in the same quarter section.
City council will be attending the Oct. 27 public hearing in Council Chambers via videoconference. Council Chambers remains closed to the public at this time.