Town of Ponoka asks residents for help in reducing false alarm fire calls
The Town of Ponoka is asking its residents for help in reducing the number of false alarm fire calls in the community.
In 2019, Town officials say almost half of all emergency fire calls in Ponoka were due to false alarms, which happens when a fire alarm is activated but there is no actual fire.
“False alarms can be a serious safety issue because we have to respond to them like a real fire,” said Dennis Jones, Regional Fire Chief with Ponoka County Regional Fire Services, in a press release. “We have no way of knowing if there’s a real emergency or if it’s just a false alarm. That means firefighters and equipment have to be sent to a situation where they aren’t needed, which makes them potentially unavailable for a true emergency if one were to happen at the same time as the false alarm,” he explained.
According to Town officials, the major causes of false alarm fire calls in Ponoka are due to cooking incidents, accidental activation of the alarm and improper maintenance. A total of 77 false alarm calls were responded to by fire crews in Ponoka last year.