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Red Deer firefighters in a 2019 photo showing their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. (Supplied)
Wearing Pink

Red Deer firefighters supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Oct 2, 2020 | 1:42 PM

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and local firefighters are showing their support in the fight against the disease by wearing pink shirts under their uniforms and having a large pink ribbon displayed on one of their engines.

It’s the third straight year that Red Deer Emergency Services (RDES) and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local 1190 are teaming up for the campaign.

Deputy Fire Chief Tyler Pelke says showing support for the fight against breast cancer is a natural fit for them.

“Whether it’ some of our staff, whether that’s dispatch, our front-line suppression staff, our firefighter paramedics, so many people are impacted by it,” he explains. “When you talk presumptive cancers and we look at the occupation that our front-line folks do, they are susceptible to that. So for us, it’s just a way to acknowledge the amazing folks who have gone through some of those trials.”

Although the campaign is not about raising money, Pelke reminds the community that the IAFF Local 1190 does have a charity that raises money for breast cancer.

“We’re so fortunate to be able to do that and try and support both our employees and obviously recognize members of the public,” adds Pelke.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, one in eight Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, and over 25,000 Canadian women diagnosed each year.

Based on data to 2015, it is projected that 2,815 cases of breast cancer will be identified in Alberta this year, along with 485 deaths.